Ditching Social Expectations Of Dogs
Ditching Social Expectations Of Dogs -
Good Dogs Can Do Bad Things
You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks
Groups are an issue when it comes it dogs. Groups are heavily about stripping individuals of natural behaviors and instincts. They make rules and regulations that do not make any natural sense. These are all based on forms of control and comfort. Telling someone what to do with their dog or how to act is very common.
No Sniffing / Smelling
No Licking
No Barking
No Humping
Another social expectation of dogs is the labeling of many breeds. Small dogs are called ankle biters. Big dogs are considered aggressive. These are unfair judgements as each dog is unique upon itself.
Chihuahuas -
Jack Russel Terriers -
Pit Bull Terriers -
Rottweilers -
German Sheppards -