Hunting And Fishing With Your Dog

Hunting And Fishing With Your Dog -

Hunting and fishing is a natural instinct for your dog. Yes, all dogs have these instincts. Dogs can and do survive without humans. Hunting, fishing and scavenging are ways that dogs feed themselves with or without humans around. Some dogs do foraging, but most get their vegtables from the innards of the animals that they eat.

Hunting with your dog is a special and exciting thing to do. Dogs will literally hunt everything from lizards to bears. Depending on where you live or your interest, you can get your dog to hunt anything. Training your dog on how and what is expected is important to enjoying and succeeding at any form of hunting.

Some animals that you hunt run around and borrow in the ground. Others will scamper up and into trees. With birds you have flying in the air and landing in tress, on the ground or onto water sources. These all take familiarizing what all is happening. Some dogs are capable of hunting in all of this conditions.







Fishing with your dog is alot of fun. Yes, your dog can and will fish. Now most of the time with fishing, your dog is your sidekick or companion. All for the ride on your kayak or boat. Or just running along the bank of where you are fishing. This in itself is alot of fun for both you and your dog. Teaching a dog about these different scenarios is key to being able to enjoy these tasks and have success. Some dogs wil do the fishing for and with you.






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