Like It Ruff - Canine Rescue And Training Homestead
Like It Ruff - Canine Rescue And Training Homestead
McKenzie & Manxy have the goal of running our Canine Rescue and Training Homestead, Like It Ruff. They rescue dogs and give them a purpose through specialized therapy and service training. Proceeds go towards a van, land, kennels, food, toys, treats and more. We are working towards owning a Canine Rescue and Training Homestead so as to have a place to give lost dogs a temporary home in order to train them with a purpose.
We are survivalist and minimalist. We work off of the KISS Keep It Simple Stupid philosophy and natural behaviors in both the dog and the owner / handler.
Dog Toys and Treats -
Van -
A van with good A/C and heat and several kennels is going to be one of our most important tools.
Land -
It would not take much to develop what we need to fulfill so many dogs dreams. The more we get though, the more we can have trails and such for hiking and hunting.
Indoor Barn Play and Train Area -
A barn with A/C and heat, a good kitchen area, several kennels and an open training area with some agility obstacles will be our main area for housing and training our rescue dogs.
Outdoor Field Play and Train Area -
The outdoor field area will consist of separate playing and training areas. The playing area will have nice grass and trees for running around and lounging, along with a sand beach digging area near a small pond for splash time and swimming. The training area will have several obstacles and an agility course available to give dogs an exciting place to train.
Livestock and Fenced Areas and Coupes -
We will provide the Canine Homestead most of our own foods. This would include a garden area with romaine, carrots and potatoes. We would also have chickens, ducks, rabbits goats and pigs.