Natural Behaviors Of You & Your Dog
Natural Behaviors Of You & Your Dog -
There are many natural behaviors for dogs that we will go over one by one here. But before we do that, think of these natural behaviors on a scale from good to bad. Dogs are going to use their natural behaviors, one way or another. No matter what you do, these are what dogs know. If you refuse your dog to do some of the good / better natural behaviors, then they will seek out doing some of the bad / aggressive natural behaviors. In other words, if you refuse to let your dog sniff, smell, bark or dig then it will do other ones like lunge, snip, bite and such. The goal is to let your dog fulfill its’ needs so that it does not act out on the negative ones.
My theory is that when you suppress the natural behaviors of any animal, you frustrate that animal and unnatural things start to take over, like anxiety and depression. This goes the same for when you have or put animals in an unnatural environment. For instance, if you do not let an animal, from suppression, act or work out some of its’ simpler or ordinary natural behaviors and instincts, then it starts to seek out the more negative and aggressive ones. Then that animal gets judged or punished for acting and working out those negative and aggressive natural behaviors or instincts. This also happens when you put an animal in an unnatural environment. Since the animal can not act or work out any natural behaviors or instincts, then it now becomes frustrated, anxious and depressed.
If you allow the animal to act and work out a few or several of the more innocent and positive natural behaviors, then the animal will not seek out the more negative and aggressive ones. The animal will also adapt much better to its weird and unnatural environment.
This is a list of natural behaviors of dogs. It is done in scale form as a list from good to bad, or positive to negative. Every animal needs to fulfill itself of natural behaviors. If you can drop the typical expectations we put onto dogs and allow your dog to do the more positive natural behaviors, then they will not seek out the more negative ones. All of these natural behaviors can either be suppressed or overindulged.
Exploring -
Wandering -
Sniffing -
Smelling -
Licking -
Licking comes in three different forms and they can all blend together at times. First is tasting. Tasting is when you have just prepared or handled foods or treats. The yummy leftover residue is exciting for your dog to lick off of your hands and fingers. Also the salt on your hands from sweat is also a great treat. Second is grooming. Dogs love to groom their friends and family, otherwise known as their pack. Third is affection. Dogs will show affection through licking your fingers, hands, arms, neck and face. Most people do not like this because they are told it is gross. But they are missing out on a sweet and kind connection with their dog. Dogs are very clean animals and that is contributed to their licking. So be a human lollipop and let your dog lick away. Especially after you have prepared or handled food and then wash your hands afterwords, if you feel.
Drooling -
Whining -
Howling -
Mouthing -
Tugging -
Jumping -
Jumping comes at different levels, but they all seem to get judged with negativity. Some jumping is very sweet and innocent, more like a cuddle. The main problem with this level of jumping, and the others, is that your clothes can get dirty. Get over it, a funny paw print on your pants is like your dog writing a funny card or letter. Jumping can level up from there being a little bit rougher. And from there can be really rough and punchy. None of these are aggressive and dogs can have all of these levels depending on their excitement at the time.
Chasing -
Humping -
Digging -
Digging is usally pretty easy to deal with. Either chose a specific location where it is OK for the dog to dig, or get a sandbox. The sandbox is great because sand is very enjoyable for dogs to dig in and it is way better than dirt, which can get all over the inside of your house. Placing toys and treats at the bottom of the digging area or sandbox gives them something to smell and a treasure to find.
Marking -
Peeing and pooping outdoors is a normal and natural behavior.
Peeing and pooping, indoors is a form of domination or telling you who is boss. The simple way to deal with this is to catch the dog in the act and place it outside, while calmly explaining that this is not acceptable behavior if it wants to stay inside. Leave the dog outside for a bit. Then invite it in and take it to the area it marked and explain to it that this is not appropriate.
Begging -
Begging can be annoying but is completely natural for a dog to do. Imagine if you could not communicate with language that you were hungry. Or if you could not just go to the frideg and grab something. The way you would communicate your hunger would be through begging. So sometimes begging is really just your dog communicating that it is hungry. Other times it is just being greedy. All natural behaviors that we have deemed negative. Alot of times begging is inducing by the owner / handler by giving treats and foods excessively and at certain times.
Growling -
Growling is the first step and sign in not being comfortable with a situation.
Barking -
Lunging -
Biting -
Running Off -
Running off can be a major problem that can become frustrating and scary. There is not much worse of a feeling than when you can not find your dog.