Like It Ruff
Dog Photography & Training, Plus Walking / Hiking & Sitting, While Having The Goal Of Earning & Building Our Canine Training Homestead.

Dog Photography & Training, Plus Walking / Hiking & Sitting, while having the goal of earning & building our canine rescue and training homestead. We do solo and group hikes and training. We are in Austin, Texas and utilize parks like Longview / Stephenson Preserve, Mary Moore Searight, Zilker And Peace parks. You can visit the website to view my artwork / photography.
Rescuing dogs and giving them a purpose through therapy or service training and then finding them a home is our goal. We are trying to earn the funds to build a small homestead where we can house and train dogs for desirable placement. We know that properly trained dogs with a purpose will be more desirable and easier for owners / handlers to accept them into their lives and homes.
Dog Vlog
Like It Ruff Podcast is a place where we make videos on giving advice and pointers on how to train your dog & best friend.
Dog Blog
The Dog Blog is where we share advice and give out pointers on how to train your dog the Like It Ruff ways. We explain our philosophy and techniques of making a connection, gaining attention and recognition of the signs. Which are all based off of natural behaviors and instincts.
McKenzie & Manxy have the goal of running our canine rescue ranch, Like It Ruff. We rescue dogs and give them a purpose through specialized therapy and service training. Thanks so much for considering purchasing from our Market and helping to make Like It Ruff dog’s lives better. The goal is to make dogs more desirable and therefore easier to place or find a home.
Feel free to contact us through email at any time for questions and photography or training options. You can check out our schedule and make appointments here.
“Use No Way As A Way.”
– Bruce Lee
“Have No Limit As A Limit.”